A. I. Zhukova, G. L. Volkov

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30970/sbi.0602.223


Gloydius venom is a rich natural source of proteins possessing platelet aggregation inhibition activity. These proteins or their recombinant analogs are universal instruments for the investigation of proteins and receptors interaction in hemostatic system. At the same time previously studied and potentially new pharmacological properties of platelet aggregation inhibitors from snake venoms create a background for the development of the manufacturing technologies. This study presents a part of technological development of several target proteins parallel obtaining from G. blomhoffii brevicaudus snake venom, in particular deve­lop­ment of manufacturing steps for platelet aggregation inhibitor.The target protein was purified using three different chromatographic approaches. It was shown that it is a single chain protein with molecular weight 12001.55 Da, isoelectrical point 8.03, which inhibited platelet aggregation in the rabbit platelet rich plasma with ID50 = 3.26×10-6 g or 542×10-9 М and revealing no enzyme activity.


snake venom, G. blomhoffii brevicaudus, platelet aggregation inhibitor, protein chromatography


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