R. Ya. Iskra



The effect of nanoparticles of сhromium citrate in dose of 3.0 µg Cr3+/ kg of body weight and chromium chloride in doses of 4.0 µg Cr3+/ kg of body weight which were administrated to rabbits on vitamin E, reduced glutathione and antioxidant enzyme activity in their blood and tissues liver, lung, kidney and muscles was studied. It has been shown that compounds of chromium in the blood of rabbits increase vitamin E level and the activity glutathion reductase. The content of reduced glutathione and the activity of glutathion reductase in liver and the activity of glutathion peroxidase and kathalase – in lung elevate after action of nanoparticles of сhromium citrate. By action of chromium chloride increases activity superoxide dismutase and glutathion reductase in all tissues, and catalase activity – in the lung and kidney. The content of lipid hydroperoxides in the tissues was reduced for the action of nanoparticles of сhromium citrate, and active products of lipid peroxidation – for the action of chromium chloride.


chromium, blood, tissue, lipid hydroperoxides, active products of lipid peroxidation, superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione systems


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