M. Z. Mekich, N. M. Dzhura, O. I. Terek



This article provides an overview of scientific information on functional and applied value of soil biological activity and soil processes. Soil is a dynamic alive creation, plant productivity, environmental quality, balance and function of the biosphere dependand on it. Soil quality is determined by interactions of main components: structure, chemical composition, biota. Significance of biota as inherent component and sensor for all soil processes including soil-forming, respiration intensity, enzyme activity are considered. Soil-forming process and soil properties depend on abiotic and biotic interactions. Soil environment determines species variety, quantity, activity and productivity of soil biota. Ecological and phytosanitary soil state is determined by activity of soil microorganisms, which are highly sensitive indicators of soil biological activity, and bioremediation agents. The roots of plants transform soil structure, air mode, and they are involved in mineral decomposition, as a source of organic matter for microbiota. Root exudates specifically affect microorganisms development in rhizosphere and their biochemical activity. Evaluation and understanding of soil biological activity is fundamental for objective and integral representing of soil quality, using biological processes of monitoring and phytoremediation.


soil biological processes, biological activity of soil


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