V. H. Kyyak



Reproductive individuals and young progeny make a part of population that develops in special conditions and has special positions and functions in population, community and ecosystem. Therefore, a reproductive niche is delimited within population ecological niche. That niche of a population includes life conditions that allow recruitment, position of fertile individuals and young progeny in the population and biocoenosis, their environmental and functional role in the ecosystem. Population reproductive niche is differentiated into two constituent parts – niche of progeny and niche of reproductive individuals. Parameters of these niches differ significantly in any plant or animal population, which should be considered in studying populations, taking measures for their conservation and restoration of viability, as well as in reintroduction and repatriation practice. A niche of progeny and niche of reproductive individuals are interrelated by bilateral positive connection – formation of conditions for realization or extension of one niche stimulates an appearance or extension of another niche, whereas contraction (vanishing) of one of them causes contraction (vanishing) of another.


ecological niche, reproductive niche, population


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