Roman Fafula, Оksana Melnyk, Natalia Gromnatska, Dmytro Vorobets, Zoryana Fedorovych, Anna Besedina, Zinoviy Vorobets



Background. Male infertility is one of the most serious medical and social problems. Idiopathic infertility accounts for about 30 % of cases of infertile men. Rheumatoid arthritis is associated with a decreased fertility potential. The aim of the present work was to determine the lipid peroxidation level and the activity of antioxidant enzymes such as glutathione peroxidase and glutathione reductase in seminal plasma and blood plasma of infertile men with idiopathic infertility and concomitant autoimmune joint pathology (rheumatoid arthritis).
Materials and Methods. 45 infertile men aged 22–48 were examined. They were divided into 2 groups: first group – 23 somatically healthy patients with idiopathic infertility; second group – 22 infertile men with rheumatoid arthritis. The control group consisted of 27 males with normal semen profile according to the WHO criteria and confirmed parenthood. The concentration of thiobarbituric acid reactive substance and activity of antioxidant enzymes were measured in the blood and seminal plasma.
Results. When analyzing the seminal fluid, we found that the TBARS content was 4-fold greater in infertile men with autoimmune pathology compared to fertile men (p <0.001), whereas, in patients with idiopathic infertility its level was within the normal range. The activation of lipid peroxidation in infertile men with idiopathic infertility and in combination with rheumatoid arthritis was accompanied by a statistically significant decrease in the activity of enzymes of glutathione antioxidant system. It should be noted that more pronounced disorders of lipid peroxidation and antioxidant enzymes activity were found in seminal plasma compared to blood plasma.
Conclusions. (1) An increased lipid peroxidation was observed in seminal and blood plasma of infertile men in combination with rheumatoid arthritis compared to normospermic men, whereas no differences were observed between men with idiopathic infertility and fertile men; (2) An impaired antioxidant status was observed in seminal and blood plasma of both men with idiopathic infertility and infertile men in combination with rheumatoid arthritis compared to normospermic men; (3) infertile men in combination with rheumatoid arthritis showed a significantly higher lipid peroxidation levels compared to men with idiopathic infertility, whereas no differences were observed in GPx and GR activity between groups.


male infertility, idiopathic infertility, rheumatoid arthritis, antioxidant enzymes, lipid peroxidation

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