K. V. Sholiak, T. B. Peretyatko, N. S. Verkholyak, S. P. Gudz

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30970/sbi.0703.300


The usage of sodium sulfate and sodium nitrate in the presence of potassium biсhromate in the medium by sulfate-reducing bacteria Desulfomicrobium sp. CrR3 was studied. It was shown that 5 mM of nitrate, 5 mM of sulfate and 0.5 mM of bichromate were optimal conditions for the bacterial growth. The nitrate in concentration of 5 mM provides better growth of microorganisms than 5 mM sulfate. An increase of sulfate and nitrate concentrations to 15 mM and bichromate to 1 mM led to slower bacterial growth. In the presence of biсhromate and sulfate in the medium, the chromium was used first, herewith utilisation of sulfate was inhibited. Influence of bichromate on sulfate reduction depends on bichromate concentration in the medium. It was found that sulfate reduction and hydrogen sulfide formation in the presence of bichromate started after usage of bichromate. The presence of nitrate and bichromate in the medium led to the inhibition of Desulfomicrobium sp. CrR3 growth and nitrate reduction, compared to the bacteria growth and nitrate reduction in the medium that contains nitrate only.


sulfate-reducing bacteria, sulfate reduction, bichromate, nitrate, sulfate


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