G. Yavorska, L. Chimyak, O. Kusharska

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30970/sbi.0703.303


Detection of Helicobacter pylori bacteria in school age children is an actual problem. Most methods of Helicobacter infection diagnostics are not fully reliable. During 2009–2012, H. pylori bacteria was found in 77 children with gastroduodenal diseases by using immunochromatographic, serologic, bacterioscopic, and cultural methods. It was established that positive result of bacteria H. pylori detection depends on applied method: bacteria presence was found by the immunochromatographic method in 80.5%, serologic method – 44.1%, bacterioscopic method – 42.8% and cultural method – in 96.1% patients. A comparison of sensitivity and specificity of the immunochromatographic me­thod demonstrated its high informativity. Restrictions of using all methods of detection of H. pylori in  children are noted. It was shown that it is necessary to focuse at the purpose of study and reliability of the method chosen. If depth analysis is necessary, for characteristics of isolated bacteria several methods should by simultaneously used. However, primary diagnosis of H. pylori infection in school children, immunochromatographic method is approp­riate, since it is simple in execution, sensitive, specific, and does not require fibrogastroduodenascopia or taking biopsies as opposed to the invasive methods.


Helicobacter pylori, helicobacter infection, immunochromatographic and bacteriologic methods, sensitivity, specificity


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