V. M. Minarchenko, V. I. Honcharenko



The fruits of Rubus idaeus L. are valuable medicinal and food raw material. Raspberry has a considerable distribution and resources in the Ukrainian Carpathians (foothill and mountain areas of Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Chernivtsi and Transcarpathian regions). The paper contains the ecologic-cenotic and khorogic-resource characteristics of R. idaeus in the study region. The features of achieving resources significance by cenopopulations of R. idaeus have been studied. The factors that limiting resource value of populations of raspberries were determined. On low yielding raspberries (average fruit yield <100 kg/ha), account for about 60% of the total area of the communities in which cenopopulations of R. idaeus have a raw value. It was revealed that the amount of the allowable annual use of fruit raspberries in the Ukrainian Carpathians is 76.58 tons, including the Lviv region. – 12.84 tons, Ivano-Frankivsk – 26.46 tons; Chernivtsi – 16.42 tons, Transcarpathians – 20.86 tons of raspberries. Large resources were found in the Ivano-Frankivsk region. The largest area communities whose raspberries coenopopulations have raw value are located there.


Ukrainian Carpathians, Rubus idaeus, distribution, ecologic-cenotic characteristics, resources


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