B. Vykhor, B. Prots



The character and the dynamic of distribution of ash-leaved maple (А. negundo L.) in the Transcarpathia (Ukraine) were estimated. The species populations are penetrated into 11% of total number of mapping squares of the study area. The dynamic tendency can be divided into two invasion stages – initial (1952–1997) and exponential (1998  till today). The distribution analysis according to floristic divisions and plant belts is presented. The ecological and elevation preferences of the species were characterized. Most often A. negundo occurs within limits of 98–199 м a.s.l. in belts of lowland oak forests. The Transcarpathian Lowland floristic region is most invaded area by that species, while Gorgany, Krasna and Chornohora – are the least. The impact of ash-leaved maple on the environment was assessed. The species belongs to a group of invasive species with high impact on the environment, very high distribution potential, and it is very hard to control; the control also needs big resources and efforts. The management methodin order to suppress an invasion of the species are discussed.


Acer negundo, distribution, impact on environment, plants invasion, Transcarpathia, Ukraine


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