M. Kobyletska, I. Boiko, J. Kavulych, O. Terek



The effect of salicylic acid on the content of phenolic compounds and anthocyanins in wheat plants (Triticum aestivum L.) affected by cadmium chloride was investigated. Increase in phenolic compounds content in cadmium-stressed plants was established. Preincubation with salicylic acid reduces phenol content, demonstrating growth activation, however increase in phenols content negatively correlates with photosynthetic productivity and nitrogen accumulation in leaves. Disproportion of distribution of the phenolic compounds in plant organism with significant predominance of their accumulation in root system was revealed. Salicylic acid increases content of anthocyanins in the shoots of 21-days-old plants under cadmium stress. An increase in phenols’ concentration in wheat plants caused by toxic effect of cadmium chloride affirms their functioning as prooxidants. Obtained results do not contradict the realization of antioxidant function by them. A decrease in phenol content in plant roots and shoots and increase in anthocyanin pool after preincubation with salicylic acid dsuggest their role as the components of adaptive response to cadmium stress.


salicylic acid, cadmium chloride, phenolic compounds, anthocyanins, Triticum aestivum L.


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