Information on substrate preferences of pleurotoid fungi species revealed in Kharkiv Forest-Steppe is discussed. Seventeen identified species of fungi used as substrate 18 species of vascular plants, e. g. 17 – trees and shrubs, and 1 species (Carex pilosa Scop.) – herbaceous plant. The main part of pleurotoid fungi used as substrate the wood of common aspen and pedunculate oak. Tilia spp. in Kharkiv Forest-Steppe is also appertain to the leading substrate-produce plants for a lot of pleurotoid fungi species. Most of specimens have been found on aspen, oak, and linden wood. Most of identified species had a wide range of substrates. Four species (Pleurotus calyptratus, Resupinatus applicatus, Neolentinus lepideus and Tapinella panuoides), on the contrary, have been characterized by a narrow substrate preferences. Based on data about the size of pleurotoid’s substrates, an importance of conservation of large-scale dead wood to maintain diversity of pleurotoid fungi has been shown. Most of pleurotoid species, as well as the specimens of fruit bodies, had been found on substrates with the diameter more than 20 cm.
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