O. O. Dyka



Morphology and vascular anatomy of the flower of Scilla bifolia L. (Hyacinthoideae) were studied. Based on the concept of vertical zonation of gynoecium, proposed by W. Lein­fellner [7], it is established that the gynoecium has the following structural zones: synascidiate, symplicate, hemisymplicate, and asymplicate. In a broad sense gynoecium of Scilla bifolia can be determined as syncarpous. The septal nectary has three fissures lying in a septal radius which extend from its base to the roof and open outward at the base of the style; nectariferous tissue lines a septal slit completely except output channels. Structural type of septal nectaries of Scilla bifolia corresponds to the type a, the type of glandular epidermis is determined as type a by E. Daumann [6]. All tepals and stamens are supplied by single bundle. Vascular system of the gynoecium has six ventral and three dorsal veins which branch lateral veins. Ventral bundles coalesce with dorsal bundles at the top of the ovary. The septal nectary is innervated by lateral carpel veins.


Hyacinthoideae, Scilla bifolia, flower, morphology, vascular anatomy, septal nectary, gynoecium


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