Desulfuromonas acetoxidans are obligative anaerobic sulfur bacteria of the aquatic sedimental environments that are able to Fe3+-dissimilative reduction. The influence of various concentrations of ferric (III) citrate and silver nitrate on specific catalase activity and reduced glutathione synthesis by D. аcetoxidans cells has been determined under their cultivation with fumarate addition and with absence of sulfur. Specific catalase activity increased with enhancing of ferric (III) citrate concentration and duration of bacterial cultivation under the addition of this salt. Under the influence of ferric (III) citrate, maximal catalase activity has been observed on the fourth day of cultivation with addition of 5 mM of investigated metal salt. Under the influence of ferric (III) citrate, increasing in reduced glutathione content has been observed on the second day of bacterial growth with addition of 1 mM of investigated metal salt. The highest specific catalase activity was determined on the second day of bacterial growth under the influence of all concentration range of investigated metal salt. The reduced glutathione content under silver nitrate exposure varied depending on the cultivation time and metal concentration. The maximum reduced glutathione content has been observed on the second day of bacterial growth under the effect of 6 µM of AgNO3.
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