The skeletal muscle illumination by a low power laser radiation, as a result of the random phase change of reflected and refracted waves, the multiple interference ray is observed on the structural elements of biological object and a developed spatial dynamic field which are called biospeckles, is formed. Autolytical processes after animals slaughter cause changes in the structural elements of skeletal muscle at various levels of its organization. It was found that these changes affect the spatial and temporal properties of biospeckles and their dynamics. The experimental setup and software were developed. They allow to investigate the digital speckle photos of skeletal muscle samples by means of time-temporal correlation speckles method. For integrated assessment of changes in skeletal muscle in vitro depending on the time of storage calculation of the biospeckle activity coefficient ion is proposed. During the research it was found that the decrease of BAC is directly proportional to the storage time of models. This may indicate a slowdown of physical and chemical processes in the skeletal muscle. The se results can be used for developing the methods of nondestructive testing and evaluation of the skeletal muscle structure in vitro.
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