The morpho-functional state of rat liver under the influence of the maleimide derivative 1-(4-Cl-benzyl)-3-Cl-4-(CF3-fenilamino)-1H-pyrrole-2,5-dione (MI-1), 1,2-dimethylhydrazine (DMH) and MI-1 on the background of DMH-induction colon carcinogenesis has been investigated. It was found that prolonged (20 and 26 weeks) action of MI-1 at 0.027 and 2.7 mg/kg doses of did not cause changes in size of hepatocytes and their nuclei, but certain structural changes are developing in the cytoplasm of hepatocytes and liver stagnation. Under the influence of DMH morphological changes are significant in the liver: changing the structure of the cytoplasm of hepatocytes and their nuclei, cytoplasm of hepatocytes content is shifted to the cell periphery. Only hepatocytes that are directly adjacent to the central vein, have granular cytoplasm, which is uniformly filling the cell. There is thickening of central venous endothelium and vascular wall of the portal tracts, and also inflammation in portal tracts were observed. Hepatocytes and their nuclei were increased indicating the activation of metabolic processes in the liver that are associated with the transformation of DMH. 6 weeks after discontinuation of the DMH is a partial restoration of the structure of the liver were observed. In a joint action, MI-1 and DMH, maleimide derivative reduces the damaging effects of dimethylhydrazine towards rat liver. Under the action of MI-1 at 0.027 mg/kg dose on the background of DMH hepatocytes effects were different reacted – there was a great variability in cell size and their nucleus. MI-1 action at 2.7 mg/kg dose on the background of DMH, the size of hepatocytes and their nucleus in both zones of hepatic lobules were close to the control values.
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