DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30970/sbi.0803.374
The information about the rare and poorly-known molluscs distributed in the western part of Podolian Upland and other flat parts of Western Ukraine were analysed. On the whole, 27 species of the land molluscs and 10 species of the freshwater molluscs among which Granaria frumentum, Chondrina clienta and Plicuteria lubomirskii entered in the Rote List of Ukraine were put into the review. Apparently the presence of Lymnaea glabra entered in the Rote List of Ukraine as L. clavata in the basin of Bug requires of the additional confirmation. The same concerns the presence in the Western Ukraine of the freshwater molluscs Lymnaea turricula, Planorbis carinatus and Gyraulus acronicus. A considerable part of the land molluscs reviewed in the article need a protection on the national-wide level. Particularly, this relates to the semislugs Daudebardia brevipes and D. rufa, majority of the finds of them concentrated near by Lviv, and to the snails Pupilla sterri (relic species), Truncatellina claustralis, Pyramidula pusilla. Some of the mentioned species (Carpathica calophana, Cellariopsis orientalis, Eucobresia nivalis) are the usual components of the land mollusc fauna of Ukrainian Carpathians, but they relatively rarely get to the flat part of the Western Ukraine. They can need a protection on the margin of their natural areas.
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