Y. V. Sosnovsky



One of the main issues of plant cultivation in botanical gardens is correct identification of species and availability of their valid names. Ficus L. is one of the most troublesome genera in this respect due to its morphological variability and inconstancy of classification. In order to verify the correctness of Ficus scientific names provided in Ukrainian botanical gardens, we conducted identification of these plants along with determi­ning their taxonomic status, morphological features, and natural distribution. The plant leaves and shoots were sampled in botanical gardens of Lviv, Kyiv, and Donetsk cities during 2009–2013. Present article contains the list of 53 Ficus species and subspecies that were fully or partly identified. According to recent classification of Ficus, these species belong to 12 sections and 6 subgenera. Based on analysis of available sources, scientific names of the species are verified and the lists of their synonyms are made up. Growth form and natural distribution range are indicated for the each species. The study revealed that most of Ficus species cultivated in Ukraine are of subgenus Urostigma naturally originated from southeastern Asia and Malay Archipelag.


species, life form, natural area, variety, synonyms, Ficus taxa


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