DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30970/sbi.0802.346
The formation of root nodules, increase of their mass, formation of harvest and its structure in soybean of cultivar Mariana inoculated by Tn5-mutants created by means transposon mutagenesis with the use of plasmid pSUP2021 was studied in conditions of field experiment. It has been found that the investigated transposon mutants specifically influenced the forming of soybean symbiotic apparatus: Tn5-mutant 17–2 was marked by the highest nodular ability, 31–2 formed the largest biomass of nodule roots, while 9–2 was characterized by the highest general and specific nitrogen-fixing activities. The seeds inoculation by transposon mutants 9–1, 9–2, 17–2 and 33–2 was marked to cause an increase of the seed productivity in comparison with inoculation by commercial strain 634b. All Tn5-mutants proved to cause an increase of the seed harvest in comparison with the commercial strain 634b, while mutants 9–2, 17–2 and 33–2 in comparison with the initial strain 646. Bacterization of seeds by high-activity transposon mutants 9–2 and 17–2 provided the largest harvest growth of soybean in comparison with the control. In perspective these Tn5-mutants could be the initial material for subsequent selection of soybean rhizobia production strains.
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