The article focuses at the effect of the preliminary salicylic acid treatment in concentration of 50 micromoles on total amount of aminoacids and proline in plants of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) of Podolyanka variety and corn (Zea mays L.) of Govta zubovidna variety under drought conditions at early stages of ontogenesis. The increase in the amount of proline in the corn leaves both under short-term and long-term drought conditions has been observed. At condition of the full recovery of soil moisture capacity (55–60 per cent) the amount of proline in corn plant tissues is higher than in control sample, but much lower than in plants affected by drought. Salicylic acid stimulates the consolidation of lower levels of aminoacids in wheat plants. After watering the plants, a reduction in the amount of free aminoacids in tissues comparing to control sample level proves to be more rapid in plants grown from the seeds treated by a solution of the salicylic acid. Prestress treatment of corn seeds induced an increase in total amount of aminoacids. Protective action of the salicylic acid under drought conditions consists in the consolidation of the amount of free proline and total amount of amino acids in wheat and corn plants.
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