The article contains data on the influence of yakon (Smallanthus Sonchifolius Poepp. & Endl.) root as well as aerial parts water extracts on glucose tolerance. The use of aqueous extracts of yakon aerial parts contributed to a significant increase of glucose (glu) tolerance. This led to significant reduction of integrated glycemic index – the area under the curve of glucose (AUCglu). In particular it was established that the use of yakon leaf extract causes the decline of AUCglu by 30.2 % in comparison with the control, while the use of petioles and stems extracts provided reduction of AUCglu to 20.7 and 17.2 %, respectively. Comparative analysis of the hypoglycemic action of yakon root water extracts in healthy animals suggests that yakon tubers extract has more pronounced hypoglycemic effect, whase use resulted in reduction of AUCglu to 39.4 %, while the tuber peel extract caused a reduction of this index to 29.9 %. Thus, conducted research of antidiabetic properties of yakon extracts allow to recommend aqueous extracts of its leaves and root tubers as effective hypoglycemic agents.
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