B. Vykhor, B. Prots



Ecological analysis of the invasive plant species was carried out. The dynamic tendencies of their distribution are identified. The group of the invasive plant species of the Transcarpathia consists of 43 species. The leading family is Asteraceae. The neophytes are dominant group by time of introduction, the ergasiophygophytes – by mode of introduction. The dominant life form among the invasive plant species is hemicryptophytes. The mesophytes is dominant form type related to water adaptation, the geliophytes – related to light, the eutrophes – related to soil fertility. The three types of spatial distribution localities of the model invasive plant species are identified, like (1) gallery, (2) continuous and (3) mixed types. The distribution pattern of the most model invasive plant species consists of a long lasting lag-phase. The exponential phase has started between late eighties and early nineties. The “Сhecklist of the invasive plant species of the Transcarpathia” with detail ecological and distribution characteristics for these species is presented.


invasive plant species, ecological characteristics, dynamic tendency of distribution, Transcarpathia, Ukraine


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