N. N. Miroshnichenko



The most important processes of the reproductive biology in three species of Campanula L. (C. sibirica L., C. taurica Juz., C. talievii Juz.) genus have been studied. The peculiarities of flowering and fruiting in the conditions of nature vegetation have been described. Morphological characteristics of the fruits have been presented. The morphology and viability of seeds, seeds productions have been determined. Peculiarities of dissemination of the indicated species have been described. It was shown that the mature fruit of these species of Campanula genus has pores at the base of the boll, through which realized the dispersion of the seeds. Mechanisms of pore formation and dissemination have been shown. Significance of particular adaptations (pores, rigid hairs and axicorns) for the dissemination has been noted. The results of seed germination after one and two years of storage at room temperature and at +4 °С have been presented. The highest seeds germination has been determined. Conclusion about high potential resumption of these species’ reproduction in natural biotopes of the Crimea mountain has been done.


Campanula sibirica L., C. taurica Juz., C. talievii Juz., morphology of fruit, mechanism of dissemination, seed structure, seed production, seeds germination


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