M. Pirogov, N. Chepelevska, J. Vondrák



Carbonea (Lecanoraceae, Ascomycota) genus contains about 20 species of lichenized and lichenicolous fungi. Four species among them are known in Ukraine: Carbonea assimilis (Körb.) Hafellner et Hertel, C. vitellinaria (Nyl.) Hertel, C. invadens (H. Magn.) M.P. Andreev, and C. vorticosa (Flörke) Hertel. We report about five taxa of Carbonea in Ukraine in the Carpathians and the Crimean peninsula: C. aggregantula (Müll. Arg.) Diederich & Triebel, C. supersparsa (Nyl.) Hertel (both new to Ukraine), Cassimilis (identification not confirmed by us), C. vitellinaria and C. vorticosa. We provide a description of the genus and characterize the Ukrainian taxa. We also present the key for determination of Carbonea involving species known in Ukraine and also those that might eventually be found in Ukraine. Morphologically, species similar to Carbonea from other genera are also included in the determination key. Carbonea invadens was incorrectly recorded from Ukraine, the respective voucher specimen is Scoliciosporum intrusum (Th. Fr.) Hafellner, poorly known taxon similar to Carbonea that is new for Ukraine. We also provide a characterization of Scoliciosporum intrusum and included it into the key.


alpine lichens, lichenicolous fungi, biodiversity, Carpathian mountains, Chornogora, Petros, Scoliciosporum intrusum

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