V. V. Rodinkova



The article deals with intensity and timing of Artemisia (mugwort) pollination in Ukraine. Mugwort pollen requires control due to well-known allergenicity and cross-reaction with the ragweed pollen grains. The purpose of our study was to analyze the intensity and timing of alder pollination in cities of steppe and forest-steppe zones Ukraine in terms of accurate forecasting and seasonal allergy control.The study was carried out by mean of standard volumetric methods using Burkard spore traps in six cities of steppe and forest-steppe zones of Ukraine. A well-defined season of Artemisia pollination was established for each city. More intense pollination rate was noted in the cities of Ukraine located close to the North. Twice lower seasonal pollen peaks in all southern regions were recorded which might be due to more favorable for mugwort development water regimen seen in the Central part of Ukraine in comparison with the Southern one. The worst period for patients sensitive to the Artemisia pollen lasts from July, 28 till August, 10, when the biggest numbers of days with moderate and high concentrations of mugwort pollen were recorded all over Ukraine. The inverse correlation between the intensity, duration of the mugwort pollen season and seasonal peaks has been identified as well. Further aerobiological studies for the mugwort pollination are required in terms of the pollinosis control.


hay fever, mugwort pollen, aeropalynological observation, pollen forecast


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