Hyperproduction of aldehydes – carbonyl stress, is resulted from lipid peroxidation and/or glycosylation. We suggest that endogenous aldehydes can affect some oxidative stress parameters development. The aim of this research is to distinguish the role of aldehydes in oxidative stress parameters development under rat’s experimental models of carbonyl stress: glycerol-stimulated rhabdomyolysis (RM, model of oxidative stress) and streptozotocin-induced diabetes (STZD, model of monosaccharide stress). To separate the influence of aldehydes an acceptor of aldehydes – dimedone was applied. It has been revealed the increasing of total aldehydes content in plasma in 2.9 times under RM and in 2.7 times under STZD. Oral administration of dimedone (10 ml/kg) resulted in the aldehydes content decreasing in 4.7 times for RM and in 3 times for STZD. It was also observed that oxidative stress parameters changed toward normalization: protein’s CO-groups content in plasma and liver was reduced on 38 and 50 % respectively, TBA-reactive products in liver on 62 % under RM. On STZD model carbonyl protein’s groups was decreased in plasma and liver on 58 and 42 % respectively, TBA- reactive products in liver – on 80 %. Furthermore, the decreasing of carboxymethyl lysine in plasma on 38 % and the increasing of reduced low weight SH-groups in liver on 70 % were observed. Thus, it has been experimentally proved, that endogenous aldehydes take part in some oxidative stress parameters development. Therefore, acceptors of aldehydes are promising as components of complex treatment programs for pathologies with oxidative stress and/or hyperglycemia.
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