On the basis of previously built kinetic model of changes in genetic controlling systems in cells at their proliferation and differentiation, it was held that these changes take place on gene, chromosome, membrane and ion levels. The mathematic description of kinetic model of changes in genetic controlling systems in cells either in a state of proliferation and in a state of differentiation was made. Differential equations systems which describe these changes were solved using numerical integration method. Parameters of kinetic model of changes in genetic controlling systems in proliferating and differentiating cells were presented graphically. It was found, that when reaction speed constants are minimal (k = 10-8–10-6), concentration of kinetic model parameters is constant during the whole time, and when they are maximal (k = 0.25–1) – non-linear time changes of parameters, which characteristic for living systems. These results postulate that changes in genetic controlling systems in living cells take place when reaction speed constants are maximal.
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