O. Borysova, O. Ruzhitskaya



Parameters of grain productivity, seed viability and quality of hulled winter wheat plants from two species (Triticum spelta L., Triticum dicoccum Schrank Schuebl.) grown under Ukraine south steppe zone conditions were studied and compared with the same parameters determined for winter wheat and durum wheat cultivars (T. Аestivum L., T. durum Desf.). It was shown that a spike seed productivity of both T. Spelta L. landraces one of T. dicoccum Schrank Schuebl. landrace had no significant differences among themselves and was 35–45 % lower compared to studied cultivars. T. spelta L. and T. dicoccum Schrank Schuebl. seeds compared to wheat cultivars’ seeds were characterized by higher dry gluten content, higher protein content and protein soluble fractions content. According to germination test results, all studied wheat samples from diffe­rent species didn’t show significant differences. Statistical differences among hulled wheat seed samples, seedlings biomorphology parameters and chlorophyll content in leaves were found. At the same time, both hulled wheat species had lower, compared with  wheat cultivars, seed viability determined by Accelerated Aging test. It was shown, that hulled wheat samples with higher seed productivity parameters were also characterized by higher protein content, formed seedlings with better quality characteristics, and were more resistant to unfavorable conditions (100 % humidity, 37 °C temperature).


Triticum dicoccum Schrank Schuebl., Triticum spelta L., seed quality, seedlings, accelerated aging, chlorophyll content

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