Paper presents kinetic models of changes in genetic controlling systems of cells in the states of cell proliferation and differentiation. It was shown that the changes in the genetic control of cells in the state of proliferation and differentiation occur at the maximal rate of reactions constants. It was built on response surfaces for each of the reaction rate constants showing what parameters of the model make the largest contribution to the value of each of them. It was established that the greatest contribution to the rate of reaction constants of changes in the genetic controlling systems of cells in the state of proliferation have histone genes and cyclin-dependent kinases, and a little less – genes-stimulators of proliferation and transcription factors. In cells in differentiation a state of inhibitors of cyclin-dependent kinases, and equally transcription factors, cell cycle genes, transcription proteins genes, structural genes and hyperpolarization of the cell membrane. As a result, we got data that the value concentration of cyclin-dependent kinases and inhibitors of cyclin-dependent kinases in the cell is the trigger that determines whether a cell proliferates or differentiates. Also, it was set specific numerical value of each of the reactions rate constants which characterize changes in the genetic control of cell in the state of proliferation and differentiation.
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