Relative number and status of 38 species of dendrophilous passerine birds on the transformed territories of northeastern Ukraine was analyzed. Birds are distributed among 7 landscape-genetic faunistic complexes, where 47.4 % (18 species) are nemoral. Majority of species are nesting in kroons of trees – 34.8 %, in the constructions of anthropogenic origin – 21.7 %, and in hollows 19.6 %. The change from typical natural reproduction to nesting in the artificial nesting grounds was determined and constructions of anthropogenic origin: the collared flycatcher (Ficedula albicollis Temm.) – 88 %, Great Tit (Parus major L.) – 27 %, the song thrush (Turdus philomelos Brehm.) – 22 %, the common blackbird (Turdus merula L.) – 15 % and the European robin (Erithacus rubecula L.) – 14 %. The breeding success increases in range: birds nest open (35.2 % Turdus merula L.) – birds nest in hollows (74.8 % Parus major L.), robin has intermediate indicator – 61.8 % (4.1±0.17). Stable mean indicator of breeding success – 54.0 and 58.6 % of the eurasian blackcap and common chaffinch accordingly is achieving by species-specific conditions of masking nests and birds’ hidden behavior. We consider that preadapation to reproduction – it is growth of the amount of nestlings, which successfully fly out from nests. On average for one couple of the collared flycatcher goes – 4.91±0.46 in a Woodland park and 4.85±0.55 – Guravleskom gidropark, as distinct from reserve territories: 4.26±0.47 in National nature park “Gomolshansky forests” и 4.41±0.45 in tract “Vakalovshyna”. A decrease in breeding success with an increase of transformation of the territory in song thrush, common blackbird, and the European robin shows weak adaptation level of these birds.
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