DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30970/sbi.0903.435
The estimation of rare component of higher aquatic plants of water objects and streams in Kyiv is presented. It is noted that 14 macrophyte species are rare for city area, as well as for Ukraine territory in general. Among them 5 species has international protective status, 3 are protected at the state level and 12 species are regarded as rare in Ukraine. Three species belong to the list of locally rare macrophytes. Object’s criteria of macrophyte species rarity for conditions of the city based on the IUCN Red List scale criteria are proposed. These criteria are based on the determination of species rarity’s degree, dynamics of localities and frequency of occurrence. They are reflected by a threat of species extinction from a particular territory. Species of higher aquatic plants that are sozologically valuable are divided into three main categories: taxa that are threatened with extinction; vulnerable, high risk of extinction and taxa with low risk. To include 6 new species of macrophytes rare for territory of Kyiv and require reinforced conservation measures at the local level according to these criteria, to the list of sozologically valuable plants are proposed. 20 % (14 species) that occur in the city and belong to modern list of higher aquatic plants, are sozologically valuable. The characteristics of rare species and their protective status are marked and provided. The features of species distribution in water objects of the city are observed and the data about the number of their findings, coenotical representation and biotopical affinity are represented. The reducing tendency of distribution area for such species as Potamogeton trichoides, P. heterophyllus, Callitriche palustris are marked.
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