О. Katerniak


Modern trends, increasing competition in the insurance market, and the military aggression of the Russian Federation require agents and companies to implement innovative solutions to enhance sales efficiency and improve customer interaction. Automated systems are becoming indispensable tools to achieve these goals. The aim of this study is to analyze the features of using frameworks and UX design principles in creating an innovative platform for the sales of insurance products by insurance agents.

Electronic insurance is a dynamically growing market segment where the convenience and intuitiveness of the user interface play a key role in ensuring high user satisfaction and trust in the platform. The right choice of frameworks and UX design approaches can significantly impact the quality of the final product, particularly its ease of use, security, and overall efficiency. Understanding these aspects allows developers to create more adaptable and successful solutions that meet user needs.

An intuitive and user-friendly interface ensures ease of interaction with users. This helps them quickly find the necessary information and perform required actions without excessive effort, positively affecting their overall impression of the service. A well-thought-out interface helps reduce the likelihood of errors when filling out forms, which is critical in the insurance field where the accuracy of information is paramount. An innovative and aesthetically pleasing interface can become a significant competitive advantage, distinguishing the platform from its competitors. Good design helps create a strong brand image and attract more users. A positive interaction experience with the platform contributes to increased customer loyalty, which can lead to higher repeat purchases and recommendations. An intuitive interface with clear instructions can reduce the number of support requests, as users can navigate the platform more easily.

In summary, a quality and innovative interface is a key element for ensuring business success in electronic insurance, as it directly impacts user experience, competitiveness, process efficiency, security, and platform adaptability.

The analysis includes tools for creating an electronic insurance platform and the use of frameworks considering user needs. Key components of implementing a successful platform have been identified. An assessment of the impact of automation on the efficiency of insurance agents has been conducted.

Keywords: framework, UX design, electronic insurance, interface design, innovative solutions.


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30970/eli.27.6


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