Editorial Policies

Focus and Scope

ELECTRONICS AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES is a leading Ukrainian scientific journal that publishes carefully peer-reviewed papers to improve the understanding of fundamental processes and new ones in electronics and information technology. The journal publishes original research articles, review articles, short reports, methods, book reviews, and commentaries in all areas of artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning, data science, business intelligence, information security, hybrid information systems, Internet of Things, embedded systems, electronic devices, signal processing, image processing, speech analysis, micro- and nanotechnology. The journal is led by Editor-in-Chief Professor Ivan Bolesta and supported by a highly qualified editorial board of researchers from different countries. Our interdisciplinary, open access journal aims to disseminate and communicate scientific knowledge to researchers, scientists, policy makers, and the public worldwide.
Electronics and Information Technologies welcomes original and significant contributions in a variety of fields.
The journal was founded in 1966 and is published 4 times a year.

The electronic version of the journal is available on the portal of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv and on the website of the Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine.
Articles are published in Ukrainian and English.
All publications contain an abstract that presents the main results in Ukrainian and English.


Section Policies


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Artificial intelligence

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Peer Review Process

Editorial Evaluation Timeline
All submissions are initially evaluated in depth by the editors. Papers that are not deemed by the editors to be strong candidates for publication will be returned to the authors without detailed review, typically within 3–5 days. Otherwise, the manuscripts will be sent to the reviewers. The editors try hard to reach a decision on these papers within 3–4 weeks of the submission date. If revisions are a condition of publication, editors will carefully evaluate the reviewers’ comments and, whenever possible, will provide guidance on the important concerns to be addressed. We generally allow 2 months for revision and consider only one revised version of the paper. Accepted papers will be published in print within 3 months of acceptance and, in most cases, the online version appears ahead of the print version 4-5 weeks after submission. Any major changes after acceptance are subject to review and may delay the publication.

Presubmission Inquiries
If the authors would like editorial input on whether their paper might be a strong candidate for consideration at Електроніка та інформаційні технології / Electronics and Information Technologies, they can send a presubmission inquiry. This should include an abstract plus a brief description of the results and an explanation of the interest and significance to a broad readership of Електроніка та інформаційні технології / Electronics and Information Technologies and should be addressed to elit@lnu.edu.ua. We will try to respond within 2–5 days.

Submission status inquiries
You can send an email to elit@lnu.edu.ua with specific questions about status updates during the editorial process.

Review process
Електроніка та інформаційні технології / Electronics and Information Technologies undergoes a one-way blind peer review process. The manuscript is reviewed by two independent experts in the relevant field selected by the editor. If two positive reviews are received, the article is accepted for publication. Authors have the right to appeal the reviewer's decision. In this case, the article will be sent to an independent reviewer or a member of the editorial board for evaluation. The final decision on the appeal rests with the editorial board. The editors will notify the authors of the decision no later than 2 months after submission. After receiving the reviewers' feedback, the authors have 7 days to revise the article. The revised article, together with a detailed response to the reviewer's feedback and explanations of any changes made to the article, should be returned to the editorial board. The revised article, approved and signed by the reviewers and the scientific editor, is considered the final version. After that, no changes to the text, figures, or tables are allowed. If the manuscript is returned later than 2 months later, the work will be considered a new submission. In the event of a negative review, the editorial board sends a written notification and reviewers' feedback to the corresponding author.
Authors can suggest the names of four potential independent reviewers of their work, as well as the names of reviewers with conflicting interests. The editorial board is sympathetic to such wishes but reserves the right to appoint reviewers who are able to analyze the work as professionally as possible.
The journal guarantees confidentiality at all stages of submission, review, and preparation for publication. The editorial board asks the authors not to pass on correspondence with the journal to third parties, and not to post reviews and comments of the editors on any websites without the consent of the editorial board, regardless of whether the manuscript has been published.

 Reviewing procedure:

1. The submitted manuscript is registered by the editors on the date of receipt of the electronic version by e-mail.
2. The scientific editors decide who will be assigned to review the manuscript in accordance with the field of study.
3. The manuscript is sent to the assigned reviewers.
4. After receiving the reviews of the reviewers, the editors send them to the authors. If two positive reviews are received, the article is accepted for publication. If changes need to be made, the authors revise the article, taking into account all the comments and recommendations of the reviewers.
5. Then the revised version of the article goes to the second stage of peer review.
6. If the reviewers' assessment is positive, the article is approved by the scientific editor and then reviewed and approved by the editorial board.
7. The manuscript approved by the editorial board is sent for preparation for publication.

 Grounds for refusal to publish:

  •  when the authors submit an incomplete response to the reviewers, provide inaccurate data or incorrect conclusions in the text of the article, incorrectly form a list of references;
  • when the authors submit a work published earlier; in this case, no objections are taken into account.


Publication Frequency



Open Access Policy

This journal practices a policy of immediate open access to the published content, supporting the principles of free dissemination of scientific information and global knowledge exchange for the sake of general social progress.

The journal provides full open access immediately after publication. There are no fees for submission, publication, and reading (Diamond Open Access publication model). Full text access to the journal's scientific articles is provided on the official website in the Archive (http://publications.lnu.edu.ua/collections/index.php/electronics/issue/archive).



The electronic version of the journal Електроніка та інформаційні технології/Electronics and information technologies is available on the website of the Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine and the portal of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv.

Open Journal Systems supports the LOCKSS (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) system for secure and reliable journal archiving. LOCKSS is an open-source software tool developed by the Stanford University Library that enables libraries to preserve individual web journals by regularly checking the websites of registered journals for newly published content and archiving it. Each archive is constantly checked against the others; if content is damaged or lost, other archives are used to restore it.
LOCKSS publisher manifesto



We ask authors to sign an open-access license agreement. All articles are distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0), which means that readers of the journal Електроніка та інформаційні технології/Electronics and information technologies have the right to use, reproduce, publish, and distribute these articles, provided that:
1) citation with the correct indication of the authorship of the article;
2) correct entry of data on the publication and place of publishing;
3) if the original work is reproduced or distributed in part, this should be clearly indicated.

Authors retain copyright and distribution rights to their works. They have the right to post and store all versions of their articles in institutional or industry repositories, including:
● preprint
● the author's manuscript accepted by the editorial board
● the published article.

The author's declaration must be signed by all authors (send a scanned version with signatures to the editorial office by e-mail).


Ethical standards

The editorial board of the journal Електроніка та інформаційні технології/Electronics and information technologies adheres to ethical standards of publications for all participants: author, journal editor, reviewer, publisher, publicly owned or funded, following the Regulations on the ethics of scientific publications (Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) [http://publicationethics.org/], White Paper on Publication Ethics [http://www.councilscienceeditors.org/wp-content/uploads /entire_whitepaper.pdf]). Elsevier Publishing Ethics (https://www.elsevier.com/about/policies/publishing-ethics). Ukrainian authors should also adhere to the "Ethical Code of the Ukrainian Scientist" (URL: https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/rada/show/v0002550-09#Text).

Anti-plagiarism policy
For all manuscripts submitted for review, the level of uniqueness of the author's text is determined using appropriate software that analyzes the level of uniqueness of the article, the use of information sources, and partial coincidence of the text with other works (StrikePlagiarism,  Google images).
If plagiarism is detected, the article is rejected without consideration for publication in the journal.

Declaration of publication ethics

1.  Publication and authorship*:
- a list of references and information about funding should be provided;
- plagiarism and fraud are unacceptable.

* Instructions on permissions. Reproduction of any text, tables, or figures from previously published works requires written permission from the copyright holder. The permission must be submitted with the manuscript, and the publication from which the material is taken must be indicated in the list of references.

Copyright. The journal Електроніка та інформаційні технології/Electronics and information technologies adhere to the policy of open access to published content in accordance with the principle of free dissemination of scientific information and global exchange of knowledge for the common civil progress (http://www.budapestopenaccessinitiative.org and Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License). Once a manuscript is accepted, no article containing the same information may be published elsewhere. If part of the material has appeared or will appear in another publication, authors should indicate the details in the comments to their submission. Simultaneous submission of the same manuscript to different journals is unacceptable. Authors must indicate the name of the funding organization in the accepted version of the manuscript and provide information about all financial support and any other personal relationships.

Conflict of interest. All authors of the submitted manuscript must recognize and disclose any existing or potential conflict of interest that may cause bias in their work.

Misconduct of a researcher.  Misconduct in research, including falsification or falsification of data, plagiarism, and unethical treatment of research subjects, should be avoided; a declaration should be submitted with the manuscript. "Misconduct in research" means any actions that involve the deliberate manipulation of scientific records, which leads to the misrepresentation of facts and data, or mishandling of research subjects. If the Editorial Board suspects misconduct by authors or reviewers, both in relation to published and unpublished articles, it may request the employers of authors or reviewers or other relevant authorities to investigate the case, or conduct an investigation itself. The Editorial Board will make every effort to resolve the problem in an acceptable manner.

2. Obligations of the authors*:
- Authors are obliged to participate in the review process;
- all authors must make a significant contribution to the research;
- it is necessary to confirm that all data in the manuscript are true and reliable;
- all authors should be involved in the elimination or correction of errors.

- Authors should read and understand the Guidelines for Authors;
- information about authorship and contributions of each author should be provided;
- information about funding should be provided;
- Conflicts of interest must be disclosed;
- permission must be obtained to use copyrighted material from other sources (including the Internet);
- Documentation of any citations of unpublished works (e.g., articles in press/personal communications) should be provided;
- information on previous submissions to other journals (e.g., journal name, reviewer's comments) should be provided;
- confirmation that the manuscript has been submitted exclusively to this journal and has not been published before, that it is not in print, or has been submitted to another journal should be provided in a letter to the editor.

3.  Obligations of reviewers in the review process*:
- reviewers' judgments should be objective;
- reviewers should not have a conflict of interest in relation to the study, its authors, and/or those who fund the study;
- reviewers should point to published works that should be cited;
- the process of reviewing the article should be confidential.

*Relationships with reviewers

  • the review should be conducted objectively;
  •  personal criticism of the author is unacceptable;
  • reviewers should clearly express their point of view, citing arguments and references as necessary, avoiding humiliation or discrediting the authors;
  • reviewers should declare any conflict of interest;
  • reviewers should refuse to review manuscripts in which they have a conflict of interest resulting from competitive, joint, or other relationships or connections with any authors, companies, or institutions related to the article;
  • Reviewers should respect the confidentiality of the materials provided to them and not discuss unpublished manuscripts with colleagues or use the information in their own work;
  • if the reviewer wants to transfer the review of the manuscript to a colleague, he/she must first obtain the permission of the editor.

We ask reviewers to pay attention to the ethical aspects of the submission, such as:

  • - has the author previously published the results of this study?
  • - Is there any plagiarism from another publication?
  • - Is the research ethical and has the appropriate permission/consent been obtained?
  • - Are there any signs that the data have been fabricated or manipulated inappropriately by the authors?
  • - Have the authors declared all conflicts of interest?
  • 4. Obligations of the Editorial Board*:
  • - editors have full responsibility and authority to reject or accept the article;
  • - editors should not have a conflict of interest in relation to the articles they reject/accept;
  • - editors can accept an article only if it clearly meets the requirements of the publication;
  • - in case of errors, measures will be taken to withdraw the article or publish corrections;
  • - the anonymity of reviewers must be preserved.

*Policy on authorship

  • - a declaration of the contribution of each person to the research and publication is mandatory;
  • - checklists should be used to prevent fictitious authorship (see PLoS: http://www.plosmedicine.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pmed.1000023#s4)
  • - all authors must sign the Author's Declaration;
  • - all authors should be involved in communication with the editorial board (e.g., acknowledgment of receipt of the submission), not just the corresponding author;
  • - authorship should be clearly indicated (CRediT taxonomy);
  • - for randomized controlled trials, the registration number and name of the registry should be indicated;
  • - the protocol of approval of animal experiments must be provided.

5. Issues of publishing ethics*:
- The editorial board is responsible for ensuring publishing ethics;
- guidelines for retracting articles are given below;
- academic integrity must be maintained;
- compromises between intellectual and ethical standards and business needs should be avoided;
- if necessary, corrections, clarifications, retractions and apologies may be published;
- plagiarism and data fabrication are unacceptable.

* The institutions where the authors of publications work should:
- inform journals about cases of proven misconduct that affects the reliability or authorship of their published work;
- respond to requests from journals regarding issues such as disputed authorship, false reports, conflicts of interest, or other factors, including unintentional errors, that may affect the reliability of the published work;
- initiate an investigation in cases where the journal makes allegations of researcher misconduct or unacceptable publication practices;
- adhere to a policy that promotes responsible attitudes to research and has a developed procedure for investigating suspected researcher misconduct.

The journal should:
- publish contact details of the editor-in-chief, who should act as a contact person for issues related to research and publishing integrity;
- inform institutions in case of suspicion of dishonesty of their researchers and provide evidence to support these suspicions;
- cooperate with investigations and respond to requests from institutions regarding allegations of research misconduct;
- be prepared to publish retractions or corrections (in accordance with COPE guidelines on retractions) if researcher misconduct is confirmed as a result of investigations;
- have developed mechanisms for interaction with institutions that investigate cases of research misconduct.

Cases involving several institutions or journals:
- In collaborative research involving multiple institutions, one institution should be designated to coordinate the research and act as a point of contact if there is no obvious lead institution (e.g., the one administering the grant or employing the researchers). Disputes between institutions over authorship or data ownership may need to be resolved by an independent arbitrator acceptable to all parties.
- Cases of plagiarism, copyright infringement, or multiple publications usually involve multiple journals, which should cooperate with each other and share information as needed (e.g., submission date and copyright transfer agreement) to resolve problems.

Investigations into previous publications:
- Dishonesty in research and publication may not be an isolated incident. In many cases of serious misconduct, a review of the researcher's previous work reveals additional problems. If a researcher is found to have committed serious misconduct (such as data fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism), the institution should review all of the individual's publications, including those published before the misconduct was discovered. In this case, previous employers will be notified of the opportunity to review the work performed by the discredited researcher at their institution to determine the reliability of publications arising from that work.

 6. Retraction of publications*:

Journal editors will consider retracting a publication if:
- they have clear evidence that the conclusions are unreliable, either due to dishonesty (e.g., data fabrication) or unintentional error (e.g., miscalculation or experimental error);
- the research materials have been previously published elsewhere without appropriate references, permission, or justification (i.e. cases of multiple publications);
- the article contains plagiarism;
- the article is based on a study that contradicts ethical standards;
- there is a suspicion of dishonesty of the authors in the research or publication;
- there is evidence that the results are unreliable, but the authors' institution will not investigate the case;
- there is reason to believe that the investigation of possible misconduct related to the publication either did not take place or was not fair, impartial, or complete;
- the investigation is ongoing, but a decision will not be made for a long time.
- a small part of a credible publication is misleading (especially due to an unintentional error);
- the list of authors is incorrect (for example, an author is omitted or someone who does not meet the criteria for authorship is included).


 Purpose of retraction:

- Retractions are a mechanism for correcting the literature and alerting readers to publications that contain such serious flaws or erroneous data that their results and conclusions cannot be relied upon. Unreliable data can result from unintentional error or researcher dishonesty.
Retractions are used to alert readers to cases of multiple publications (i.e., when authors present the same data in multiple publications), plagiarism, and failure to disclose a serious conflict of interest that may affect interpretation or recommendations.
The main purpose of retractions is to correct the literature and ensure integrity, not to punish authors;
- the reasons and grounds for retraction should be stated; cases of misconduct should be separated from unintentional error; it should be indicated who is retracting the article. This information should be published in all versions of the journal (printed and/or electronic);
- retracted articles will not be removed from either printed copies of the journal (e.g., libraries) or electronic archives, but their retraction status will be indicated as clearly as possible.



Corrections and additions to accepted articles

The editors may make clarifications to the text of the article that do not significantly change its structure but improve its content, as well as minor corrections. At the request of the authors, the editors publish refutations and apologies.

- If the new material complements the accepted article, it will be sent for review as a new submission with a link to the original.
- Minor corrections can be published in the Errata & Corrigenda section

 Errata relate to the correction of publishing errors. Authors who have noticed an error should contact the journal's editorial office. The correction will be published in the next issue of the journal. Corresponding changes will be made to the electronic version of the article.


Payment for publication

Publication of articles in the journal Електроніка та інформаційні технології/Electronics and Information Technologies is free!


Сomplaint and appeal

The Editor-in-Chief makes decisions based on the relevance of the submitted manuscripts to the goals and topics of the journal, similarity, readability, comments of reviewers, and responses from authors. At Електроніка та інформаційні технології/Electronics and Information Technologies, additional efforts are made to provide professional services to authors seeking quality publications. However, a certain number of submissions are immediately rejected due to deficiencies in research planning, inappropriate formulation of scientific hypotheses, a priori statements, and violations of generally accepted standards of research publication ethics. Relevant editorial decisions are not subject to appeal or review. All other appeals can be sent to elit@lnu.edu.ua
Authors of rejected manuscripts may apply for a review of editorial decisions if they disagree with the comments of the editor or reviewers and can justify their point of view by referring to the available evidence and logical considerations. The Editor-in-Chief will discuss the appeal with other responsible editors and may resubmit the rejected manuscript to new reviewers.
If the authors do not agree with the way the Editor-in-Chief handles their requests, they can forward their letters to other responsible editors or members of the Editorial Board.

Consideration of complaints and appeals
The Editor-in-Chief and other responsible editors are guided by the Core Practices of the Committee on Publication Ethics. Authors can be assured that the journal guarantees to provide professional services to authors of appeals, whose justified requests will be considered fairly and confidentially within a short period of time. Prospective authors of Електроніка та інформаційні технології/Electronics and information technologies are advised to carefully read the objectives and topics of this journal and submit manuscripts that meet all quality and ethical standards.