This paper is dedicated to the study of the integration of Azure Data Lake Storage and Synapse Analytics for air quality analysis and the use of cloud technologies in air quality data monitoring in Ukraine. The relevance of the topic is driven by the escalating environmental issues, particularly atmospheric pollution, which poses a significant threat to public health and ecological stability. Air pollution is a pressing global issue affecting not only Ukraine but the entire world. Protecting the environment and ensuring citizen safety have become paramount priorities in the modern world. With the rapid growth of industries, transportation, and other sources of pollution, harmful emissions have increased, exerting tremendous pressure on the environment. As a result, monitoring and analyzing air quality have become crucial for controlling a country's ecological state. In the face of extensive air quality data, the significance of employing cloud technologies has become particularly prominent. An information-analytical system was developed to collect and store such vast amounts of information in Ukraine. It facilitates data storage, processing, and analysis using Azure Data Lake Storage and Synapse Analytics. This paper provides a detailed examination of the process of integrating cloud technologies such as Azure Data Lake Storage and Synapse Analytics to enable effective monitoring and analysis of air quality data. The utilization of Synapse Analytics allows for comprehensive data analysis and identification of correlations between various pollution factors, which is critical for making strategic decisions. The conclusions of this study underscore the importance of using cloud technologies in air quality data monitoring to promote sustainable development and environmental safety. Employing the information-analytical system and cloud technologies efficiently utilizes accumulated data to make informed decisions on reducing air pollution and safeguarding public health.
Keywords: cloud technologies, air quality monitoring, Azure Data Lake Storage, Synapse Analytics, air pollution, environmental safety, SaveEcoBot, information-analytical system, data management.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30970/eli.24.4
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