Yuriy Tsudzenko


A smart contract is a type of digital agreement between several parties without intermediaries. In many areas of life, the smart contract is a breakthrough technology because it can change the perception of deals. At first sight, creating a smart contract may seem like a simple thing, but to create it, should to know and use a large number of technologies.

This article discusses method of creating smart contracts based on Ethereum using technologies such as the Ethereum network, the Solidity programming language, the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), which takes the main role in creating and executing smart contracts and supporting instruments Ganache and Truffle. A smart contract has been implemented based on the sale of movie tickets using the previously mentioned technologies. It took 0.65 seconds to complete a transaction for the sale of 10 tickets between wallets. Once this transaction made, the smart contract cannot change, which makes it unique compared to other technologies. In general, creating smart contracts with Solidity requires a good understanding of object-oriented programming languages, but most of the functions available in the Solidity packages perform the same functionality. Ethereum's uniqueness allows blockchain-based applications to run autonomously, but this also has its drawbacks.

Also presented and investigated in the article an analysis of the time trends of the Ethereum smart contract out using the R programming language and the R-Studio development environment. Data of Ethereum smart contract for analysis taken from an open source Kaggle. The dataset contains 1599 rows of data and 8 unique columns of Ethereum smart contract values. The best days and months in relation to the ROI indicator investigated. Using this methodology and tools of creating smart contract can be used for further studies.

Keywords: smart contract, blockchain, Solidity, bitcoin, Ethereum, cryptocurrency.


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