Yevdokym N. Fedorchuk


The characteristics of rating systems for assessing student performance for higher education institutions are analyzed. It is determined that in systems an important criterion is the achievement high performance score. This requires the achievement of the set limits for scores of current tasks. Current tasks for the discipline are: practical, laboratory, examination tasks.

Based on the evaluation system of the Lviv Polytechnic National University developed a methodology for modelling the forecast of student performance assessments. The formalization of evaluation models based on the optimization problem is presented. The model of the forecast of semester estimations at the set rating estimation of success of the student for a semester is formalized. The model of the forecast of estimations of current and examination control for each discipline for a semester is formalized. The model of forecast of estimations for tasks of current control on each discipline is formalized. The model of the forecast of estimations for test tasks of examination control on each discipline is formalized.

Optimization problems in forecast models are nonlinear optimization problems with direct constraints. Iterative methods and Excel system are used to solve optimization problems. Numerical experiments were performed for all forecasting models. In the numerical experiment, the value of the achievable for the student rating of 95 points was taken. Forecasting of achievable grades of current and examination control was performed for ten conditional disciplines in two semesters of the academic year. The data of calculations of estimations with high accuracy are received. The simulation results contain information to motivate and intensify efforts in all disciplines. Predicting one's own success allows the student to evaluate the learning effort to obtain the desired rating.

Sequential calculations using the considered models are cluster analysis. The choice of initial values of grades in the allowable area of constraints allows you to calculate clusters of grades by discipline.

Keywords: rating, success, forecast, rating scale, optimization.


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