Volodymyr Hrabovskyi, A. Harshyna


Using Python and JavaScript, a web application has been created to improve the development of children with special needs, including children with autism and hearing impairments. To implement this task, the best and most effective method of presenting information for children – a game – is chosen. The part of the program designed for the development of children with autism contains games using a technique of visual presentation of cards with accompanying information. These games use real-time videos of children’s movements to improve their physical activity and memorize letters of alphabet. In addition to images of pictures, the game used to learn a sign language also employs audio and video materials. During implementation of our application, some of the approaches used in artificial intelligence systems are used. In particular, these are the methods of expert systems and pattern recognition based on computer vision. The databases and the knowledge required to run the program are created in JavaScript, and their application management is implemented using a Django framework. Software implementation of the program also uses the capabilities of specialized computer libraries, including PoseNet and p5.js.

Keywords: JavaScript, PoseNet, p5.js, Django, web-application, computer games.

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