Vasyl Repetsky, Viktorija Malyha


 Проаналізовано основні етапи формування норм, що закріплюють статус медичного та духовного персоналу. Розкрито зміст основних прав та обов’язків при наданні ними допомоги особам, які знаходяться під захистом норм міжнародного гуманітарного права. Виокремлено проблемні питання, котрі виникають у процесі діяльності медичного та духовного персоналу під час збройних конфліктів як міжнародного, так і неміжнародного характеру.

Ключові слова: медичний персонал; духовний персонал; збройний конфлікт; військовополонені; цивільне населення; міжнародне гуманітарне право; гуманність.


The international humanitarian law of armed conflict emerged in the nineteenth century. The article contains theoretical research of the main periods of the development of norms that confirm the status of medical and religious staff. The first piece of legislation regulating this issue was signed in 1864.

International humanitarian law and the activities of the ICRC during armed conflict are based today on four Geneva Conventions of 1949, as well as on the Additional Protocols for these conventions. Medical personnel and military civilians are entitled to special protection from attacks, and another is that the activities of medical personnel cannot be prohibited or violated. Attacking civilians, including medical personnel is a violation of the Geneva Conventions. It is a war crime and a crime against humanity.

The content of the basic rights and obligations during providing assistance to persons which are protected under international humanitarian law has been proved. The problem questions that occures in the time of work of medical and religious staff in the time of armed conflict, both international and Non-International character has been underlined.

Key words: medical staff; religious staff; armed conflicts; prisoners of war; civilians; international humanitarian law; humanity.

Повний текст:



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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30970/vir.2015.37-2.2.161


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