
     У статті аналізуються курси професора Львівського університету Адама Фішера (1889–1943), присвячені західним і південним слов’янам. На основі рукописів ученого з Архіву Польського народознавчого товариства висвітлено особливості неопублікованих частин започаткованої А. Фішером серії “Слов’янська етнографія” (1930-ті роки), окреслено сприйняття польським етнологом міжвоєнного періоду особливостей етнічної мапи теренів проживання західно- та південно-
слов’янських народів, їхніх історико-етнографічного районування і традиційно-побутової культури.

     Ключові слова: Адам Фішер, Львівський університет, серія “Слов’янська етнографія”, західні слов’яни, південні слов’яни, етнічні процеси, народна культура.

Повний текст:



Archives of New Files in Warsaw [unpublished sourse], Mf Nr. B 11453 (2442). (In Polish)

Archives of Polish Ethnological Society [unpublished sourse], No. inv. 16, 22, 31, 64, 66, 73, 74, 76, 77, 81, 87, 123, 124, 136, 154, 280, 281. (In Polish)

Burszta, J., 1971. Ethnography of Poland and the Western Territories. Lud, 55, pp.15–28. (In Polish)

Falkowski, J., 1931. Fischer A. Slavic Ethnography. First issue: Polabian Slavs. Lviv-Warsaw 1932. Published by Książnica-Atlas. Page 40 + 1 map, with 18 engravings in the test. Price: 2.40 PLN. Lud, 30, pp.239–240. (In Polish)

Fischer, A., 1932. Slavic Ethnography. First issue: Polabians. Lviv, Warsaw: Książnica-Atlas. (In Polish)

Fischer, A., 1932. Slavic Ethnography. Second issue: Lusatians. Lviv, Warsaw: Książnica-Atlas. (In Polish)

Fischer, A., 1934. Slavic Ethnography. Third issue: Poles. Lviv, Warsaw: Książnica-Atlas. (In Polish)

Fischer, A., 1937. Trees in the beliefs and rituals of the Polish people, Lud, 35, pp.60–76. (In Polish)

Kaminśkyj, W., 1927. Adam Fischer. Polish People. The Polish textbook, prepared with the allowance of the Ministry of Religious Denominations and Public Education. With 3 maps and 58 fig. in text. Lviv – Warsaw – Kraków 1926. S. IV + 240. Lud, 26, pp.104–106. (In Polish)

Kujawska, M., Łuczaj, Ł., Sosnowska, J. and Klepacki, P., 2016. Plants in folk beliefs and customsAdam Fischers Dictionary. Wrocław: PTL. (In Polish)

Lorentz, F., Lehr-Spławiński, T. and Fischer, A., 1934. Kashubians: folk culture and language. Toruń: In-t Bałtycki. (In Polish)

Program of lectures for the summer semester of 1910/1911 academic year. Emperor Francis I University in Lviv, 1911. Lviv: First Union Printing House. (In Polish)

Program of lectures in the 1st and 2nd trimester of the 1921/1922 academic year. Jan Kazimierz University in Lviv, 1921. Lviv: First Union Printing House. (In Polish)

Program of lectures in the 3rd trimester of the 1921–1922 academic year. Jan Kazimierz University in Lviv, 1922. Lviv: First Union Printing House. (In Polish)

Program of lectures in the 1st and 2nd trimester of the 1922/1923 academic year. Jan Kazimierz University in Lviv, 1922. Lviv: First Union Printing House. (In Polish)

Program of lectures in the 1924/1925 academic year. Jan Kazimierz University in Lviv, 1924. Lviv: First Union Printing House. (In Polish)

Program of lectures in the 1925/1926 academic year. Jan Kazimierz University in Lviv, 1925. Lviv: First Union Printing House. (In Polish)

Program of lectures in the 1926/1927 academic year. Jan Kazimierz University in Lviv, 1926. Lviv: First Union Printing House. (In Polish)

Program of lectures in the 1927/1928 academic year. Jan Kazimierz University in Lviv, 1927. Lviv: First Union Printing House. (In Polish)

Program of lectures in the 1929/1930 academic year. Jan Kazimierz University in Lviv, 1929. Lviv: First Union Printing House. (In Polish)

Program of lectures in the 1930/1931 academic year. Jan Kazimierz University in Lviv, 1930. Lviv: First Union Printing House. (In Polish)

Program of lectures in the 1931/1932 academic year and the staff of the University in the 1930/1931 and 1931/1932 academic years. Jan Kazimierz University in Lviv, 1931. Lviv: Scientific printing house. (In Polish)

Program of lectures and the staff of the University in the 1932/1933 academic year. Jan Kazimierz University in Lviv, 1932. Lviv: Scientific printing house. (In Polish)

Program of lectures in the 1933/1934 academic year. Jan Kazimierz University in Lviv, 1933. Lviv: Scientific printing house. (In Polish)

Program of lectures in the 1934/1935 academic year. Jan Kazimierz University in Lviv, 1934. Lviv: Scientific printing house. (In Polish)

Program of lectures in the 1935/1936 academic year. Jan Kazimierz University in Lviv, 1935. Lviv: Scientific printing house. (In Polish)

Program of lectures in the 1937/1938 academic year. Jan Kazimierz University in Lviv, 1937. Lviv: Scientific printing house. (In Polish)

Program of lectures in the 1938/1939 academic year. Jan Kazimierz University in Lviv, 1938. Lviv: Scientific printing house. (In Polish)

State Archives of Lviv Region, [unpublished sourse], f. 26, 2, 543; 5, 1956. (In Polish)

Staff of the University and the lecture program for the summer semester of 1900/1901 academic year. Emperor Francis I University in Lviv, 1901. Lviv: First Union Printing House. (In Polish)

Staff of the University and the lecture program for the winter semester of 1901/1902 academic year. Emperor Francis I University in Lviv, 1901. Lviv: First Union Printing House. (In Polish)

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30970/sls.2021.70.3756


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