Іншомовна професійна компетентність у курсантів військового закладу вищої освіти: соціолінгвістичний підхід



The underlying purpose of the research is to shape the sociolinguistic vision of the foreign language professional competency among the cadets of higher education military institution, as well as distinguishing the main features of the military society and formulating the tasks to achieve this purpose. The main task is to create the native modern didactic means for the Ukrainian Armed Forces militaries to gain the foreign language competency at the level specified by the present complicated social and political as well as military strategic circumstances. Among these circumstances, the demand for confident behavior in the NATO communicative field is in priority.

NATO membership opens up new career opportunities for the Ukrainian militaries that depend on the capability to feel themselves as an equal subject of the communicative field within the complex time and activity framework.

Since the establishment of close contacts with the Alliance (second half of the 90s), the Ukrainian military department receives significant support from it, including the support of the Armed Forces of Ukraine personnel in mastering English and French, NATO’s working languages. Departmental language system created by the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine shows valuable results. For example, the position of an interpreter in the army units is canceled and the members of international peacekeeping operations on the Ukrainian side can communicate with their colleagues in English. However, this achievement does not eliminate the topical issue of the quality of developing of the foreign language competency among militaries, in particular the creation of a corresponding didactic base for this.

The disadvantages of the existing foreign languages textbooks at the disposal of Ukrainian higher education military institutions teachers are scrutinized and the ways of eliminating these disadvantages based on the experience of foreign didactic materials are indicated. The main principles of compiling the native modern foreign language textbook for military specific purposes and the implementation of these principles in the newly created set of textbooks (English and German) are outlined.

Key words: sociolinguistic approach, foreign language competency, militaries’ language training, specific purposes, English for special purposes, the set of textbooks.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30970/ls.10.2886


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