Емпатія як засіб успішної комунікації у сім’ї (на матеріалі творів І. Франка)



Problem statement. Empathy is a category that linguists have borrowed from psychology to study interpersonal communication. In Ukrainian linguistics, empathy is usually studied on the material of English. This makes the analysis of this category relevant on the basis of the Ukrainian-language source base. The paper considers empathy as a sign of communication in the family. The source base for the analysis was I.Franko’s works.

Purpose. The purpose of the paper is to analyze the features of empathy manifestation in the speech of children to parents.

Results. Intent analysis and contextual analysis allowed us to establish that empathy in the speech of children to parents is aimed at preventing conflicts, improving the psychoemotional state of parents, expressing positive evaluation of parents’ actions / expressions / traits and characterizing empathy. It is revealed that children use speech acts of justification, comfort, calming, compliment, encouragement, praise, compassion, approval for the realization of empathy. It is found out that at the linguistic level empathy is expressed by complex sentences, imperative verbs / imperative verbs with the negative particle not, verbs of indicative mood of past and future tenses, adjectives and adverbs of positive evaluation, exclamations, endearing addresses. The content of the main message is complemented by declarative, rhetorical, and exclamatory sentences that provide an argument or an assessment of events / situation. Children use non-verbal means of communication to strengthen their messages.

Therefore, the main function of empathy in the family is to ensure successful communication between family members by demonstrating sincerity and honesty, the desire to share joyful and sad moments.

Keywords: family communication, empathy, speech act, language means, non-verbal means, I. Franko.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30970/ls.10.2885


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