Мовна ситуація у сфері торгівлі та послуг в Україні (територіальний вимір)



Background: The analysis of the linguistic situation in contemporary Ukraine is one of the most important issues in Ukrainian sociolinguistics in view of the fact that it is an essential precondition for language policy elaboration and its effective implementation.

Purpose: The main purpose of this paper is to explore the language use in the field of trade and services in Ukraine, in particular to analyse language behaviour of Ukrainians in this field in different regions of the state, to compare assessment of the linguistic environment by the respondents of the various regions within a period from 2006 to 2017.

Results: Sociolinguistic analysis revealed that the language use in the area of interest in certain region has its own peculiarities. The field of services is almost entirely Ukrainian in the West. The central region is characterized by the significant predominance of the Ukrainian language. Ukrainians use the Ukrainian and Russian equally in the shops in the North. The language environment of public service in Southern Ukraine is gradually transforming to the bilingual one with a significant prevalence of the Russian language. Russian pre-dominates in the shops and cafes of the East. Results of our survey have shown that the Russian language and different types of bilingualism prevails in the cities and towns, the Ukrainian language prevails only in the villages. The monitoring “The state of Ukrainian language” has revealed that the only exception are cities of Western Ukraine and certain cities of Central Ukraine in which Ukrainian language is the main language of service.

Keywords: Ukrainian language, sociolinguistics, linguistic situation in the field of trade and services, bilingualism.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30970/ls.10.2880


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