Парадигматичні відношення в терміносистемі соціолінгвістики: семантична група “білінгвізм” (на матеріалі української, польської та англійської мов)



Background. In the Ukrainian science, there are still few works devoted to the research of peculiarities of terminology system organization. Сomparative study of sociolinguistic terms, aimed at establishing paradigmatic relations and defining the set and composition of semantic groups, may facilitate the harmonization of the terminological base of different sociolinguistic traditions and affect the codification process of the Ukrainian terminology system.

Purpose. The purpose of the article is to analyze the paradigmatic relations of terms within the semantic group “bilingualism” on the material of three languages.

Results. Semantic groups, in which the hierarchical interdependence of concepts is traced, are formed on the basis of hyperonym bilingualism in the Ukrainian, Polish and English languages. The common and distinctive features of organizing these groups in three languages are revealed by comparing terms that are hyper-hyponomically related to the dominant. It has been proved that 15 of the 27 hyponymic groups attest to the phenomenon of interlingual symmetry, in which equivalent groups of correspondences are formed on the basis of semantically identical semes. Other semes (7 in Ukrainian, 3 in Polish, and 1 in English) determined semantic asymmetry. They form interlingual lacunae that represent the idio-ethnic nature of extralingual processes in the compared languages. Only 1 hyponymic group is a manifestation of partial semantic asymmetry, since it demonstrates a broader semantics of Polish and English cohiponyms. Units within these groups display an extensive network of synonymous and anonymous relations. The phenomenon of synonymy is connected with the existence of different scientific traditions, as well as the incompleteness of the process of sociolinguistic terminology system formation.

Key words: sociolinguistics, term, semantic group, paradigmatic relations, integral seme, differential seme.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30970/ls.10.2873


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