Vasyl Stadnyk, I. Matviishyn, N. Ftomyn, V. Vyshnevskyi, V. Baliga, O. Shtuka


The Rb2SO4 crystals were synthesized by slow evaporation of room-temperature aqueous solution of pure rubidium sulfate salts that had been recrystallized many times. The solution temperature was 310 K, controlled by a thermostat with an accuracy of 0.5 K.

The dispersion dependences of the birefringence Δni of a mechanically free and uniaxially clamped Rb2SO4 crystal at room temperature were studied. It was found that the crystal has a small normal dispersion dnx)/dλ = -1.2…1.8∙10-6; uniaxial compressions σm do not change the character, but only the magnitude of the slope of the Δnі(λ) curves. Thus, uniaxial compression σz leads to a decrease in the Δnх value on the average of δ(Δnх) ⁓ 0.89·10-4, while uniaxial compression σy to an increase in Δnх on the average of δ(Δnх) ⁓ 1.01·10-4. This behavior of baric-induced changes in Δnі confirmed the previously discovered regularity for crystals of the A2BX4 group: uniaxial compressions along mutually perpendicular directions lead to changes in birefringence of different magnitudes and signs. Since uniaxial loads along the Y- and Z-axes shift the Δnх(λ) curves towards larger and smaller wavelength values, the position of the optical isotropic point in the spectrum changes accordingly. Since the following relations Δny = nх – nz, and Δnz = nх – ny hold for the RS crystal, this will mean the equality of the refractive indices nz = ny, which corresponds to the emergence of a new “pseudoisotropic” point. That is, in the case of simultaneous application of a uniaxial load along the crystal-physical Y- and Z-directions, we can obtain a new optical isotropic point at room temperature, which was previously discovered in a number of isomorphic crystals of this group (e.g. K2SO4 and (NH4)2SO4). Since the values dΔnz = dΔny and nz = ny in the vicinity of this “pseudoisotropic” point, we obtain the following combination between the absolute piezo-coefficients and refractive indices in the vicinity of the optical isotropic point n3yπ22n3xπ12 ⁓ n3zπ33n3yπ13.

Using the obtained spectral-baric dependences of Δni, Δnyx(λ), Δnzx(λ), Δnxy(λ), Δnzy(λ), Δnyz(λ), Δnxz(λ), for 9 different experimental geometries, as well as Δnzxy(λ), Δnyxz(λ), Δnxzy(λ), the spectral dependences of the combined piezo-coefficients were calculated. A feature of the behavior of Rb2SO4 crystals is their insignificant dispersion dependence, while the nature of the dispersion π0lm/dλ < 0 corresponds to the dispersion of the refractive indices dnі/dλ < 0. The most spectrally dependent is the constant π012 (dπ012/dλ = 2.2∙102∙Br/nm), while π021 changes very weakly in the studied spectral range (0.5∙10-2∙Br/nm). Different signs and spectral changes of π0lm indicate that the influence of uniaxial mechanical pressure along the crystallographic axes X, Z, and Y leads to different nature of the change in the induced birefringence of the Rb2SO4 crystal. It was found that at a light wavelength λ = 490 nm π031 ⁓ │π021│ ⁓ 1.67∙10-11 N/m2. That is, in the vicinity of the optical isotropic point, not only an increase in the symmetry of the optical indicatrix, but also increase of the tensor of piezo-optical coefficients take place.

Keywords:  crystal, birefringence, dispersion, photoelasticity, piezooptic coefficients, optic isotropic point.


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