Irina Yanushevich


Political philosophy, that rather disreputable, not very philosophical branch of philosophy, has always
wanted to get out of politics, to put an end to this politics of politics, by finally speaking its truth. Ideally, the fond -
est desire may be to find or invent a politics unaffected by the politics of politics (a truly moral politics, perhaps, of
the kind Kant seems to encourage), but that desire is metaphysical through and through. So-called “cheap politics”
is engaged in the politics of politics as soon as that phenomenon is engaged in politics, i.e. from the very first,
“naturally” as Aristotle put it. The logos of politics is irreducibly affected by the kind of distortion and deceit that
is usually – moralistically – associated with rhetoric or sophistry, with “spin tactics”. Politics is always already the
politics of politics.
Key words: politics of politics, sophistry, spin tactics, rhetorical figure, politics of truth.

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