НОВІ ПІДХОДИ ДО ВИВЧЕННЯ РІВНЯ ДЕМОКРАТИЧНОСТІ ВИБОРІВ В УКРАЇНІ (Рецензія на монографію: Бучин М. А. Демократичні вибори в Україні: принципи, механізми та технології реалізації: Монографія / М. А. Бучин. – Львів: Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2016. – 452 с.)

Valeriy Denysenko


The relevance of the problem of democratic elections analysis in Ukraine and research
complexity of the institute of elections as element of democracy in the monograph of Mykola
Buchyn are emphasized in the review. Basic structural components of the work, such as
consideration of elections and democracy interdependence; classification of democratic
principles of elections; detailed analysis of each democratic principle; research of legal aspects
of realization of democratic principles of elections in international normatively-legal acts and
in Ukrainian electoral legislation are positively evaluated. It is marked that the major achievement of monograph is an introduction of index of democratic elections and authorial methodology of its calculation during electoral campaigns in Ukraine. 

The reviewer summarized, that the scientific work of Mykola Buchyn is actual complex research based on deep theoretical developments, analysis of empiric material, generalizations of foreign and Ukrainian experience in the field of electoral relations. It is mentioned that a monograph has theoretical, and the brightly expressed practical value, written on a due scientific level and characterized by a clearness and logic of material exposition and is an
important contribution to development of Ukrainian political science.

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