Andrzej Demkowicz



Ukraine has been an important partner for the European Union in the eastern part of Europe, especially in the post-Soviet security area. The European Union has been implementing not only the political and economic, but also  the security  integration with Ukraine by the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP). The aim of the article is to present the relationship in the sphere of security and defense between the European Union and Ukraine, particularly, in the face of the greatest challenge to the stability and security of the European continent in the 21st century. The  author used the combined research methods to analyze the content and decisions and sources as well as the observation of current processes in the area of security in Ukraine.

The author’s main goal is to focus on the relations between the European Union and Ukraine in the area of security and defence, especially, in managing during the political and military crisis 2013-2015. The conflict in Ukraine, which we have witnessed, has a several phases. The reaction of the European Union in each phase of the conflict was adequate to the situation and consistent and was also adequate to the permissions in the area of the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP). The European Union, in its sense of responsibility for shaping security at its borders, should have reacted adequately to circumstances. The author have attempted to describe the relations, the process of their shaping and practical implementation by the involvement of the European Union in the conflict in the Eastern part of Ukraine.

The practical outcome of the reaction of the European community to the events in the eastern Ukraine consisted primarily in the establishing and organizing of an OSCE monitoring mission and the European Union Advisory Mission for Ukraine (EUAM) in this region. The decision to establish it was meant to be a clear signal of Russia regarding the EU's position on supporting Ukraine's stability, independence and integrity. The advisory mission gives the EU the opportunity to be at the crisis area, as well as to promote the declar’s values and, most importantly, to improve its image in the international environment, but it is hard to be perceived as a success of the CSDP. However, we cannot ignore influence on the development of the situation. A comparison of EU actions with NATO activities illustrates the capabilities of the Member States regarding the role and potential of both organizations. However, it was not possible to discuss military-type issues at the EU summits because of the fundamental differences between these two organizations. Based on the current CSDP implementation practice, that the importance of the EU in solving military conflicts is systematically decreasing. The real task of CSDP is to manage crises and conflicts of low intensity of military operations in peripheral countries (mainly African), and above all, post-conflict reconstruction of civilian security systems. If the European Union intends to play a key role in the management of military crises, the first and main objective of its operation should be to effectively ensure the survival and consolidation of vulnerable states, and in the second stage to shape high standards of state management.

The main task of government administration in Ukraine is to achieve effectiveness in law enforcement and to achieve a high level of efficiency and  in the functioning of bodies responsible for internal security and defence.

The countries which aspire to enter the Western European political system in a credible way to change its current model of functioning, which is not always in line with the democratic one and a transparent model of the European Union Member States. And the EU can help in this by CSDP. The potential loss of Russia's influence in the Black Sea region has stimulated its efforts to shape all areas of strategic security policy in the region. The operational cooperation with the EU should be continued by initiatives such as the EU Combat Groups as this is an important element that will contribute to a more complete integration with the EU, and even with NATO in the future. the basic condition of maintaining the stability of the region is the consistent and common way of acting of EU member states in relations with the Russian Federation.

Thus, the way for the effectiveness of the European Union is its unconditional unity in conducting foreign policy, especially in sensitive area of security.

Key words: The European Union, Ukraine, military crisis, CSDP.


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30970/vir.2018.45.0.9452


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