Urszula Kłosiewicz-Górecka



The aim of the article is to present the scale and structure of foreign investment outlays of commercial enterprises as well as their effects for trade in Poland. An object of the analysis is volume, structure and dynamics of investment outlays. Investment outlays of enterprises with foreign capital are presented against the background of the enterprise body in the economy and in the sphere of trade in Poland. The grounds of the analysis are primarily CSO’s data concerning enterprises with foreign capital (the recent accessible ones come from 2014) as well as original materials (articles and papers) concerning investments in the sphere of trade. In her article, the author put the thesis on the continuing interest of enterprises with foreign capital in investing in Poland and on the substantial importance of investment outlays of foreign sales networks for development of trade in Poland.

Key words: foreign direct investments, investment outlays, sales networks.

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Data of CSO (GUS) ordered by the Institute for Market, Consumption and Business Cycles Research.

Data from web sites of commercial enterprises, 2015.

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