Yulia Marutyak


Досліджено міжнародно-правові механізми моніторингу та підзвітності суб’єктів, які надають послуги з водопостачання і санітарії. Проведено аналіз міжнародно-правових норм у галузі прав людини, а також вивчено особливості діяльності міжнародних інституцій та громадських організацій, які здійснюють контроль за реалізацією прав людини. Описано особливості моніторингу на міжнародному, регіональному та національному рівнях.

Ключові слова: право на воду, санітарія, моніторинг, підзвітність, договірні органи, омбудсмен, неурядові громадські організації.

The article examines the international legal mechanisms for monitoring and accountability of entities providing water and sanitation services. International instruments on human rights, the national legislation of number of countries, judicial decisions, investigated the features of the activities of international institutions and civil society organizations that monitor the implementation of human rights are analyzed. The features of monitoring at the international, regional and national levels are described.

Important role in monitoring at the international level belongs to the United Nations, namely the treaty bodies, the Universal Periodic Review and Special Procedures. Treaty bodies (or committees) consider complaints regarding violations of human rights. A number of committees may also conduct an investigation if they receive information containing data on breach of treaty in the State party.

“Special Procedures” – a term that means the mechanisms of United Nations Human Rights Council, designed to solve the problems. As a part of the special procedures monitoring and publication of reports on the situation of human rights in specific countries or on major thematic issues are carried out.

Universal Periodic Review of Human Rights is an intergovernmental mechanism of cooperation. This mechanism allows each State to declare what had been made to improve the country’s human rights situation. Every four and a half years all UN member states are required present a report to the Human Rights Council on the situation of human rights in their countries.

The article highlights the features of accountability at the regional level. The activities of the regional treaty bodies responsible for supervising the observance of human rights by their Member States are described. The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, for example, has a mandate to monitor the situation of human rights in member countries as well as to visit the country for in-depth analysis of the overall situation in the field of implementation of human rights.

The article explores that at the regional level judicial or quasi- judicial mechanisms in the field of human rights are functioning. They develop the principles of judicial practice related to the support and protection of the right to water. Regional organizations improve accountability among States by identifying common objectives and exchange of information.

At the national level monitoring of human rights to safe drinking water has its own characteristics. Important role in monitoring at the national level belongs to the national human rights institutions. They advise the government and give recommendations, examine complaints, conduct investigations, provide information to the public etc. Sometimes national human rights institutions have quasi-judicial functions and are involved in the legislation drafting. Often these institutions are called commissions or ombudsman offices. At the local level, civil society organizations also monitor how States and private companies implement the right to water and sanitation. The article gives examples of activity of some of these organizations, describes the features of the application of “citizen report cards” in India and Uganda.

Key words: right to water, sanitation, monitoring, accountability, treaty bodies, ombudsman, non-governmental organizations.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30970/vir.2015.36-2.0.370


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