Stepan Burak


Проаналізовано види міграції, їхню правову природу, а також причини виникнення. Проведено поділ міграції для кращого розуміння її правового регулювання на внутрішню, яка існує всередині Європейського Союзу між країнами-членами, та зовнішньою, між країнами членами ЄС та громадянами третіх держав. Виконано аналіз актів Європейського Союзу на предмет тлумачення поняття «працівник – мігрант». Виявлено, що термін «migrant-worker» може мати два варіанти перекладу, «працівник-мігрант» та «трудящий-мігрант», які є синонімічними. Дано визначення поняттю «працівник – мігрант», його елементів. Від­значено, яких осіб, відповідно до тлумачення Європейського Суду Справедливості, можна вважати працівниками мігрантами. Проаналізовано природу правового статусу працівни­ка-мігранта. Проведено класифікацію прав, які становлять правовий статус працівника- мігранта. Окрім того, проаналізовано винятки та обмеження, які стосуються застосування таких прав. Також зазначено про права та свободи сімей працівників-мігрантів, якими такі користуються у зв’язку зі своїм правовим статусом.

Ключові слова: трудова міграція, працівник-мігрант, правовий статус, права особи, принципи правового статусу особи.

International labour migration is becoming increasingly visible phenomenon in global economic processes.

There are two main types of international labor migration: 1) international immigration migration; 2) international labor migration.

Historically, immigration migration dominant first, that is, the movement of migrants across borders and change of residence permanently.

International labour migration is a movement of the working population between states influenced by purely economic reasons. Unlike resettlement migration, it involves preserving connectivity of a worker with his homeland.

There is no definition of employee in the basic treaties of the European Union. It derives from the meaning of Art. 1 Regulation 1612/68 and complemented in several judgments of the Court of the European Union, the so-called case law.

Based on the content of Art. 1 Regulation 1612/68, migrant worker is a person who is legally employed and has citizenship of another state party.

It is also necessary to mention that those who are not considered as employees under the EU law, and can not benefit from provisions of legal acts concerning the right to freedom of movement of workers. Firstly, these are the individuals whose work is so insignificant that can be seen only as utility, are not considered as employees.

Secondly, there are people who arrived into the member country for the purpose of getting education.

And thirdly, persons engaged in entrepreneurial activity (they are subject to provisions that reinforce the principle of freedom to provide services).

Based on the foregoing considerations, the author also considers it possible to offer the following definition of «migrant worker»: a migrant worker is a person who holds the citizenship of an EU member state or a stateless person resident in the State, who arrived in that State for purpose to exercice the employment activities and has a proof for the its aspiration to work on the EU territory beyond the country of its origin(employment contract, civil contract) or proves the exsistence of the employment relations according to the legislation of the host country basis.

The author researched main provisions and legal acts that regulate the free movement of migrant workers who are EU citizens and members of their immediate families (including people from non-EUmember states). The freedom of movement for workers equally applies to migrant workers and their families.

The principal provisions of the Regulations № 1612/68 on equal treatment regarding the issues of the employment of the migrant workers in the European Union hase been studied separately. Migrant workers in the EU as compared to the employment relations in the host country cannot be discriminated in their right to compensation, participation in enterprise’s management and production processes, promotion, access to the vocational education and other social benefits and rights upon release from the organization.

Obtaining a residence permit is necessary for the migrant workers in the EU if they want to remain in the host country.

The collective rights guaranteed to the migrant workers in the EU, they are entitled to the membership in trade unions, as the domestic workers are. They are also eligible for membership in the administration and management bodies of enterprises, institutions or organizations, representatives of employees in the company.

In conclusion, the author notes that European Union law that the main special rights enjoyed by migrant workers in the EU are such rights as the right to free movement, membership in trade unions and the administration and management bodies of enterprises and organizations.

Key words: labour migration, migrant employee, legal status, individual rights.

Повний текст:



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Directive 2004/38/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 April 2004 on the right of citizens of the Union and their family members to move and reside freely within the territory of the Member States amending

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30970/vir.2015.36-2.0.366


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