Zoriana Zazulyak


основні характеристики та проблеми. Здійснено класифікацію факторів, що впливають на розвиток багатосторонньої взаємодії у Латинській Америці. З'ясовано ступінь впливу США у регіоні на сучасному етапі. Подано характеристику оборонного, клубного мультилатералізму та мультилатералізму pro tempore. Здійснено огляд залученості громадськості та неурядових організацій у діяльність багатосторонніх інституцій, що діють у регіоні.
Ключові слова: мультилатералізм; регіоналізм; зовнішня політика країн Латинської Америки; регіон Латинської Америки і Карибського басейну; США; регіональна інтеграція; багатостороння взаємодія; мультилатеральні інституції.

This article provides an overview of current Latin American multilateralism and its main characteristics and problems. The classification of factors influencing the development of multilateral cooperation in Latin America is given: (1) complex relationship between the United States and the countries of the region, especially after the end of the Cold War and the attacks of 9/1 which ensures that the countries of Latin America appear to carry out a more independent foreign policy; (2) effects of globalization and the need of Latin America to become an important factor in the international economic system which contributes to the ability of certain actors in the region to diversify its international relations; (3) reconfiguration of political and geopolitical map of Latin America through the election of democratic governments in most countries, the emergence of regional leadership, and various new approaches to the vision of regional integration, which should be opposed to heterogeneity and fragmentation in the region; (4) growing role of social movements that influence the regional order. New challenges and threats to regional security and public order in connection with transnational crime and drug trafficking limit the traditional principle of national sovereignty;(5) interaction between countries in the region lies in the need to deal with specific challenges in specific areas: finance; energy; development of regional infrastructure to promote interdependence and improving communication; policies in health, poverty eradication and environmental protection, which often go beyond the national level and become transnational. The extent of US influence in the region is described and is shown as reducing. The characteristics of defensive, club and pro tempore multilateralism show the essence of Latin American multilateralism and are described in the article. Also is given an overview of the involvement of the public and non-governmental organizations in the activities of multilateral institutions in the region.

Key words: multilateralism; regionalism; foreign policy of Latin America; the region of Latin America and the Caribbean; the US; regional integration; multilateral cooperation; multilateral institutions.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30970/vir.2015.37-3.3.188


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